Flutified is a music project by german flutist and keyboardist Klaus Tenner. It features the flute as leading instrument in a variety of musical styles like jazz, funk, pop, country, rock, ethnic music and electronic jazz.
2023 – 02 – 01
CDs are now available! You order one (or two…) via mail or Bandcamp

2023 – 01 – 20
The album FLUTIFIED is out now! Click on the picture below to jump to your preferred music service.

Flutified Youtube-Trailer. Please accept advertisement cookies to see this video oder jump directly to my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@klaustennermusic
On January 20, 2023 my album “flutified” will finally be released on all major digital platforms. There will be CDs as well ready to be ordered via Bandcamp. In the meantime you can presave the album for your preferred music platform or prelistenand even buy the album on bandcamp.

jump to the presave page here >>>> https://ffm.to/qqre0j5
December 6, 2022: release date for the new ep “humanity”. Music written by me, lyrics by Sam Pisters, Debby Roy and myself. The lyrics deal with the influence of social media on human behaviour but can be also be understood as describing many other kinds of “me against social oppression”.
Musically the EP features an acoustic version, a vocal version that will appeal to all friends of jazz-pop-funk from Incognito and the like, an instrumental version with flute (!) as lead instrument in the same genre. And I was also lucky enough to get the song remixed by chill, trance and house expert Ian Otta.
>>> Click on the picture below to jump to your preferred music service.

December 2, 2022: The first single, “Soledad” is now available on all digital music platforms.
It´s a latinjazz track called “Soledad” with a nod towards Nestor Torres and Dave Valentine.
Jump to your preferred online music service from here
Debut album “flutified” to be released in january 2023!